Explore the health profile of Hawaii

Hawaii is known for its stunning landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and unique…

Location in focus: Mauritius

We were involved in an emergency escort from Mauritius this month, a beautiful…

New partnership with Psychiatry UK

MedResQ has partnered with the UK’s leading online psychiatric service,…

What is international medical assistance?

Contrary to the adrenaline-fueled scenes we often witness…

The impact of global healthcare staffing shortages on overburdened healthcare systems

Global training and retention of health staff has been a serious concern for…

A new Generation of Healthier Cruise Ships

  Medical care on cruise ships, as in hospitals, continuously improves and…

Meet The Team: Louise Maclean  

Louise has worked with MedResQ since 2017 as a Case Management Nurse, but her…

Global Health Update - December 2023

As we wrap up the year, December 2023 sees a changing health landscape.  To…

Case Study: Managing a medical emergency in Angola

Overview of the Situation A 46-year-old Indian seafarer suffered a large heart…

Managing medical emergencies in regions with limited or poor quality healthcare

Are you setting up a new office in a country with poor healthcare? Are you…

Case Study: Gastro-intestinal Issue

Overview of the Situation A female cruise ship employee in the Mediterranean…

Global Health Update- November 2023

November 2023 has been tumultuous, and as such, navigating through the myriad…

Case Study: Mental Health Crisis Intervention

Overview of the Situation A member of the seasonal crew needed to be…

ClimateCare Partnership

Covid-19 came as a seismic shock to the world in 2020; it dominated peoples…

Reducing the Cost and Impact of Air Ambulances

The decision to charter an air ambulance is usually taken once other options…

Rehabilitation of Patients for Independent Air Travel

Overview of the Situation A 55-year-old seafarer, who fell while working on…

What is it like flying during a global pandemic?

Despite having spent much of my working life as a flight nurse either at an…

Repatriation of Seafarers during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Repatriation of Seafarers during the Covid-19 Pandemic In March and April…

World Health Update - Covid 19 General Update #3

Overview The global Covid-19 pandemic has forced a mass global shutdown of…

World Health Update - COVID-19 General Update #2

Background The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral infectious disease which…