A new Generation of Healthier Cruise Ships

  Medical care on cruise ships, as in hospitals, continuously improves and…

Meet The Team: Louise Maclean  

Louise has worked with MedResQ since 2017 as a Case Management Nurse, but her…

Global Health Update - December 2023

As we wrap up the year, December 2023 sees a changing health landscape.  To…

Case Study: Managing a medical emergency in Angola

The background A 46-year-old Indian seafarer suffered chest pain whilst at sea…

Managing medical emergencies in regions with limited or poor quality healthcare

Are you setting up a new office in a country with poor healthcare? Are you…

Case Study: Gastro-intestinal Issue

The background A female patient working on board a cruise ship in the…

Global Health Update- November 2023

November 2023 has been tumultuous, and as such, navigating through the myriad…

Case Study: Mental Health Crisis Intervention

The background A member of seasonal crew needed to be disembarked outside of…

ClimateCare Partnership

Covid-19 came as a seismic shock to the world in 2020; it dominated peoples…

Reducing the Cost and Impact of Air Ambulances

The decision to charter an air ambulance is usually taken once other options…

Rehabilitation of Patients for Independent Air Travel

A 55-year-old seafarer, who fell whilst working on board a ship, was admitted…

What is it like flying during a global pandemic?

Despite having spent much of my working life as a flight nurse either at an…

Repatriation of Seafarers during the Covid-19 Pandemic

Repatriation of Seafarers during the Covid-19 Pandemic In March and April…

World Health Update - Covid 19 General Update #3

Overview The global Covid-19 pandemic has forced a mass global shutdown of…

World Health Update - COVID-19 General Update #2

Background The Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) is a viral infectious disease which…

World Health Update - Coronavirus (2019-nCoV)

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Background On 31 December 2019 the World Health…

Are you covered?

Most people know that before they go on holiday it is important to take out…

Pancreatic Cancer Patient Transfer

A 47 year old Indian seafarer in a German hospital requiring medical…

World Health Update - Ebola

EBOLA EPIDEMIC – A Global Health Emergency Democratic Republic of Congo It is…

British Expats - Are you eligible for NHS treatment?

Life on the Spanish coast or the French riviera may be idyllic but when expats…