The background

A 46-year-old Indian seafarer suffered chest pain whilst at sea and medically landed in Luanda, Angola, for emergency assessment. He was confirmed to have suffered a large heart attack and he was initially managed in a local clinic. MedResQ was approached by his employer to evaluate his condition, treatment, and risk of deterioration, and to provide recommendations.

The clinic had significant clinical limitations and had not been able to sufficiently treat the heart attack due to a lack of resources which resulted in the condition of the patient being critical. After MedResQ’s recommendations were accepted, the patient was evacuated by air ambulance to Cape Town for assessment by heart specialists. Following investigations, the patient successfully underwent an emergency coronary artery bypass operation. However, due to the significance of the heart attack and the delay in definitive treatment, the patient experienced multiple complications which included kidney failure, heart rhythm disturbances, and infections, and he required sustained intensive care-level treatment.

Once his condition was sufficiently stable, mindful that further deterioration was possible due to his multiple pathologies, MedResQ arranged to repatriate him to Calcutta for ongoing care and treatment whilst there was a safe window of opportunity in which to complete the mission. This was completed with a long-range air ambulance and a specialist medical team.

Med ResQ’s approach

* Our medical team evaluated the clinical data from Luanda with our critical care specialist and made the immediate recommendation that an evacuation transfer was needed
* We utilised our extensive air ambulance network to partner with a specialist team for the evacuation flight to South Africa, and this was completed with minimal delay
* Our team provided his employer and family with regular updates and information regarding the condition of the patient
* Our team arranged for the second air ambulance to transfer the patient to Calcutta, using the same medical team as in the initial evacuation flight

Key benefits of our approach

Fast emergency evacuation
The use of our extensive medical and logistics network allowed us to access the best facilities for the treatment required, make the necessary referrals, and to arrange the transfer for life-saving treatment very quickly.

Ongoing support and assistance
The patient required a prolonged admission to the hospital in South Africa, and this required the dedication and attentiveness of the medical team at MedResQ, as well as support from specialist advisers, to ensure that the family and employer were kept informed at all stages of treatment and repatriation planning.

Ultimate care of the patient
Transferring a patient with serious health complications over such a long distance required medical diligence and close collaboration of our network partners to ensure that the risks were as well mitigated as possible, and that the patient was transferred in the most optimal and favourable condition.